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EUBCE 2024 - Lijuan YE - Single Cell Protein: Overcoming Technological And Biological Challenges Towards Improved Industrialization

Single Cell Protein: Overcoming Technological And Biological Challenges Towards Improved Industrialization


Monitoring and methods in social assessments in bioenergy and bioeconomy

Single Cell Protein: Overcoming Technological And Biological Challenges Towards Improved Industrialization

Short Introductive summary

The review paper summarized the challenges faced by industralization of single cell protein and the potential technologies to solve them.


Lijuan YE

Nestle Research

Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited


L. Ye, Nestle research, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
B. Bogicevic, Nestle research, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
C. Bolten, NNestle research, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND

Session reference: 2AV.1.13