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EUBCE 2023 - Iris VURAL GURSEL - Are Existing Circular Economy Indicators Adequate to Capture the Role Biobased Products Can Play in the Circular Economy?

Are Existing Circular Economy Indicators Adequate to Capture the Role Biobased Products Can Play in the Circular Economy?


Socio-economic aspects in circular economy

Are Existing Circular Economy Indicators Adequate to Capture the Role Biobased Products Can Play in the Circular Economy?

Short Introductive summary

To support the progress towards a circular biobased economy, the ability to measure and monitor circularity is essential. This study incorporates specific considerations relevant for biobased products and connected biobased systems (e.g., renewable resource use, cascading use of biomass, regeneration of natural systems) to define a set of 9 circular economy requirements . A critical analysis of existing circularity indicators is carried out with respect to these requirements encompassing the specific characteristics of biobased systems. This analysis was used to reveal the extent of coverage of each requirement by existing indicators, identify the gaps and point out the aspects that deserve specific attention for further development of metrics for adequate circularity evaluation of biobased systems. This will support industry and policy makers in setting suitable circular bioeconomy targets (i.e., quantifiable objectives linked to the circular economy strategies).


Moderator portrait


Wageningen Food & Biobased Research

Presenter's biography

Dr. Iris Vural Gursel, is a scientist at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research with a PhD in chemical engineering. She works on several national, EU and international projects on the topics of sustainability assessment of biobased products and novel biomass conversion technologies.

Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited


I. Vural Gursel, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS
B. Elbersen, Wageningen Environmental Research, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS
K. Meesters, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS

Session reference: BP.1.1