Room: Callelongue Parterre
Date: Monday, 24 June 2024
Time: 16:15 - 17:15 CEST
Session code 4AO.5
Advances in biomass gasification in terms of new feedstocks and tar reforming.
Catalytic Tar Reforming to Upgrade Syngas Quality and Yield From Biomass Gasification
Short Introductive summary
The work we are presenting was designed to assess the efficiency of using two types of catalysts, namely dolomite and Ni/CeO2 /Al2O3, operating in series, the final goal was achieving tar reforming to clean syngas and increase hydrogen content in upstream. For the study a side stream of the ENEA’s gasification plant PRAGA (uP dRAft GAsification) was used, the pilot has a nominal input of 20-30 kg/h of feedstock. The tar contained in a stream of syngas from pilot gasifiers was reacted up to the conversion higher of 98 %, moreover, the H2 production increased up to 137%, part was from the conversion of CO by WGS (34%) while most was from the steam reforming of tar.

Francesco ZIMBARDI
ENEA Research Centre, Energy Technologies Dpt., ITALY
Presenter's biography
Graduated in industrial chemistry, a fellow at the combustion institute of Naples (CNR) before joining ENEA a public body depending on the ministry of economy. His current interests are the production of chemicals and biofuels from biomass, innovation policy and sustainability.
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
N. Cerone, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
L. Contuzzi, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
N. Striugas, LEI, Kaunas, LITHUANIA
J. Eimontas, LEI, Kaunas, LITHUANIA
M. Carnevale, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
V. Valerio, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
A. Villone, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
Session reference: 4AO.5.3