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EUBCE 2024 - Charles-Henri NICOLAS - Yeast Fermentation from Various Biomass Feedstocks to Produce Protein-Rich Ingredients

Yeast Fermentation from Various Biomass Feedstocks to Produce Protein-Rich Ingredients

Innovative production of bioproducts and biochemicals

Innovative production of bioproducts and biochemicals for industrial applications (2)

Yeast Fermentation from Various Biomass Feedstocks to Produce Protein-Rich Ingredients

Short Introductive summary

By mastering the art of fermentation and leveraging biomass feedstock flexibility, Arbiom deliver the next generation protein ingredients and fermentation technologies. Arbiom developed a bioprocess inspired by nature to create Yusto and SylPro, unique sustainable protein-rich ingredients for food and feed applications. They result from yeast fermentation using biomass feedstock sources. The bioprocess has been designed sustainably with local and consistent carbon sources. Resulting protein-rich ingredients, vegan and clean label compliant ingredients which deliver high nutritional quality, taste and well-being to develop all types of food and feed products.


Moderator portrait

Charles-Henri NICOLAS

Arbiom, Industry Dpt., FRANCE

Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited


L. Ducouret, Arbiom, Paris, FRANCE
A. Drouault, Arbiom, Paris, FRANCE
N. Paugam, Arbiom, Paris, FRANCE
C.-H. Nicolas, Arbion, Paris, FRANCE

Session reference: ICO.4.3