Room: Poster Area
Date: Monday, 24 June 2024
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 CEST
Session code 5AV.2
Biofuels and renewable hydrocarbon biofuels
Integrated Biotechnological Production of EthanolaAnd Hydrogen Using Cashew Apple Bagasse as Feedstock
Short Introductive summary
Given the new energy needs, the emergence of new technologies, and the high generation of waste from agro-industries, necessary to develop more sustainable processes that make use of all fractions of the raw material. The development of new technologies that are capable of meeting energy demand, as well as strengthening the economy, aiming to reduce global environmental impacts and reuse natural waste is of paramount importance. Then, this study shows the use of cashew apple bagasse, an abundant waste from the agro-industry, as feedstock to produce ethanol and hydrogen for integrated processes. This study also aims to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations.

Maria Valderez Ponte ROCHA
Federal University of Ceara, Chemical Engineering Dpt., BRAZIL
Presenter's biography
I am a professor at the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) and a member of the Group of Research and Development of the Biotechnological Processes. My research focuses on the development of bioprocesses for the use of biomass to produce biofuels (ethanol and hydrogen) and valuable products.
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
E.R.S. dos Santos, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, BRAZIL
M V.P. Rocha, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, BRAZIL
Session reference: 5AV.2.2