Room: Poster Area
Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 CEST
Session code 5BV.6
Synthetic fuels from biomass and hydrogen
Intensified Biomass Gasification with in-situ Enhanced CO2-sorbents for Hydrogen Production
Short Introductive summary
As part of a national R&D programme on technologies for the hydrogen production from renewable sources, an activity is underway to develop an intensified gasification process involving the use of in-situ sorbents for the simultaneous capture of CO2 and enhancement of the water gas shift (WGS) reaction. Process of reference is the gasification of residual biomass promoted by steam as a gasification agent. Such a condition was adopted with the aim of producing a N2-free syngas and with a high content in H2. Moreover, with the intent of using an inexpensive and easy-to-dispose materials at the end of life, calcined dolomite was selected as a CO2 sorbent of reference. Enhanced sorbents were thus produced by the natural mineral by wet impregnation with K2CO3. In this communication, an overview of the activities carried out and the most relevant results achieved will be presented and discussed, including an outlook on the expected developments.

Donatella BARISANO
ENEA Research Centre, Energy Technologies Dpt., ITALY
Presenter's biography
Donatella Barisano is senior researcher at Enea Trisaia Research Center. She works in the field of biomass valorization for bioenergy and biofuels production. Her present activity is focused on biomass gasification and use of catalysts and sorbents for gas upgrading and conversion.
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
F. Nanna, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
A. Villone, ENEA Research Centre, Rotondella, ITALY
F. Ferrante, University of L’Aquila, ITALY
V. Daniele, University of L’Aquila, ITALY
K. Gallucci, University of L’Aquila, ITALY
Session reference: 5BV.6.3