Room: Callelongue Parterre
Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 CEST
Session code 6BO.8
Biochar and soil conditioners
Efficent and Novel Waste Stream Coprocessing to Obtain Bio-Based Solutions for Personal Care and Agriculture Sectors - ELLIPSE
Short Introductive summary
Heterogeneous organic wastes are challenging waste streams due to the presence of certain impurities or a mix of them that may interfere in the processes involved in their valorisation. New strategies in terms of processes key to reducing the related management costs of these waste streams and to push biomass valorization. ELLIPSE project address the co-processing of two heterogenous wastes, as sludge and slaughterhouse wastes to produce biodegradable bioplastics. To achieve this objective heterogeneous wastes are converted in a first stage to volatile fatty acids (VFAs), especially propionic and valeric acid. These VFAs are used as a substrate in a second-stage fermentation process to produce PHBV a bioplastic with better flexibility and processability than other bench-mark grades bioplastics present in the market

AIMPLAS, Biotechnology Dpt., SPAIN
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
B Taroncher Ruiz, AIMPLAS, Paterna, SPAIN
P Ferrero, AIMPLAS, Paterna, SPAIN
D Hidalgo, CARTIF, Valladolid, SPAIN
L Garrote, CARTIF, Valladolid, SPAIN
Session reference: 6BO.8.3