Room: Poster Area
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Time: 11:45 - 12:45 CEST
Session code 3CV.4
Integrated biorefineries and biorefinery processes
An Integrated Biorefinery Approach for Extraction of High-Added Value Lipids Using Acceleration Solvent Extraction and Subsequent Biochar Production from Grass-Clover Pulp
Short Introductive summary
Grass-clover fiber pulp (GCFP) is a by-product obtained during the extraction of green protein in the biorefining of green leafy biomass. Green leaves have become sustainable sources that represent an alternative substitute for soy protein. Grass-clover biorefining was carried out immediately after harvest in a demonstration plant at Aarhus University. GCFP and liquid (green juice) fractions were separated following the cutting and mechanical process. However, the GCFP rich in lignocellulosic has been considered a residue of the process. The present study investigated further processing of a GCFP for additional extracting lipids rich in biocompouds using acceleration solvent extraction (ASE) and posterior bioenergy together with biochar through pyrolysis. ASE with n-hexane provided yields from 1.82 to 3.83% were obtained. The lipid profile and Phytol, Vitamin E, Sterols, Alfa-tocopherols, Neophytadiene compounds were identified. Biochars were the same in terms of pH, proximate, and ultimate analyses. Furthermore, the extracted residues proved to be a suitable feedstock for biochar and bioenergy production.

Aarhus University, Biological and Chemical Engineering Dpt., DENMARK
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
A Saner, Aarhus University, DENMARK
M Ambye-Jensen, Aarhus University, DENMARK
Session reference: 3CV.4.3