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EUBCE 2024 - Paulo BRITO - H2Excellence: Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen Centers of Vocational Excellence towards affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for Europe

H2Excellence: Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen Centers of Vocational Excellence towards affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for Europe


Sustainability assessments and stakeholders inclusion in bioenergy and bioeconomy

H2Excellence: Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen Centers of Vocational Excellence towards affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for Europe

Short Introductive summary

H2Excellence aims to establish a platform of centers of vocational excellence (CoVEs) in the field of fuel cells and green hydrogen technologies that will forge a collaborative educational, training and development program designed to close the existing industry skills gaps. The CoVEs will bring together all key stakeholders such as universities, VET schools, industrial partners, and governmental bodies, forming strong links at European, national, and regional level. It is envisaged that different local clusters will be set up across countries with strong potential in the industry (e.g., PT, ES, FR, FI, PL, and IT), with foreseen extension across Europe and a joint focus on different aspects of the hydrogen value chain, from production to applications and cross-cutting issues.



Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, PORTUGAL

Presenter's biography

É Licenciado em Engenharia Química, ramo de Processos e Indústria, pelo Instituto Superior Técnico; Mestre em “Corrosion Science and Engineering” pelo UMIST, Universidade de Manchester; Doutor em Engenharia Química, pelo Instituto Superior Técnico na área da electroquímica – sobre células galvânicas

Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited


P. Brito, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, PORTUGAL
C. Nobre, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, PORTUGAL
B. Rijo, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, PORTUGAL

Session reference: 2AV.3.9