Room: Poster Area
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024
Time: 13:45 - 14:45 CEST
Session code 4DV.6
Biomass pre-treatment, combustion and production of intermediates
Biorefinery Electrification by Novel Plasma Treatment of Waste Lignocellulosic Resources for the Production of Value-Added Products
Short Introductive summary
This study focuses on the evaluation of novel electrification methods, such as atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge plasma, as an alternative pretreatment method in sustainable spent coffee grounds’ based biorefinery. It emphasizes on the investigation of properties of plasma activated water and its effect on lignocellulosic biomass to achieve enhanced sugar production. The hydrolysates produced are evaluated for the production of microbial oil via fermentation, with the aim to assess plasma technology in bio-based production of value-added products.

AUA, Food Science and Human Nutrition Dpt., GREECE
Presenter's biography
Evanthia Georgiadou (female, PhD candidate) is a Food Scientist and Human Nutritionist with a BSc from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the Agricultural University of Athens (2022). Her phD concerns the development of sustainable biorefineries and bioprocesses using in
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
N. Giannakis, AUA, Athens, GREECE
E. Stylianou, AUA, Athens, GREECE
A. Koutinas, AUA, Athens, GREECE
Session reference: 4DV.6.9