Room: Callelongue Parterre
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Time: 11:45 - 12:45 CEST
Session code 2CO.5
Stakeholders and socio-economic assessments
Follow the Expert and Inform the Citizen: The Role of Familiarity and Awareness on (mis)Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Biogas
Short Introductive summary
The present study has carried out a large-scale survey of EU citizens as well as a more extensive survey of experts and actors involved in the biogas in farming value chain. We identify a series of factors acting as the key barriers for the market uptake of biogas solutions in livestock farming in the EU, and discuss the main support needs that need to be addressed to overcome them. Our research contributed to extend existing literature by reviewing and validating the potential technical, financial, institutional, social, and environmental barriers that affect the willingness to deploy or invest in biogas technologies across six European countries. We also identify the common misperceptions and attitudes towards the use of manure to produce biogas and biomethane among European citizens, as well as the main factors driving such beliefs. Citizens remain concerned about the potential negative impact of biogas plants using manure in terms of health, safety, bad smells and property values. We find that such concerns can be explained by lower levels of awareness and familiarity with biogas and its production technologies.
White Research, BELGIUM
Presenter's biography
Project Manager at White Research, based in Brussels. Pol works on different research activities and proposal writing for Horizon Europe projects of different domains such as energy or mobility. He focuses on innovation management, behavioral analysis and stakeholder engagement.
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
S. Michopoulou, White Research, Thessaloniki, GREECE
A. Stamos, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, DENMARK
G. Zendron, White Research, Brussels, BELGIUM
E. Tiaka, White Research, Thessaloniki, GREECE
Session reference: 2CO.5.4