Room: Poster Area
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Time: 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
Session code 1CV.2
Biomass resource assessment and mobilisation
Biodiesel Feed Stock Potential and Toxicity Assessment of Defatted Seeds of Some Tropical Wild Oleaginous Plants in Cameroon.
Short Introductive summary
The long aim of this research was to identify and develop new potential sources of biodiesel production from seed oils for utilisation in the agricultural, energy and transportation sectors in Cameroon, while valorising the defatted seeds as alternative sources of nutrients for human and animal consumption. Specifically, the work aimed at producing and characterising biodiesel from the seed oils of Ricinodendron heudelotii (njangsa), Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin), Citrullus lanatus (watermelon) and the pulp of Raphia hookeri (raphia). The work further assessed the bioavailability of nutrients and toxicity of the defatted seeds. The results of this study provided scientific data useful to stakeholders in the agricultural, energy, and transportation sectors in developing these alternative fuels. Toxicity analyses of the pressed cakes generated data needed for feed formulations for animal and human consumption.
Julius Kewir TANGKA
University of Dschang, Agricultural Engineering Dpt., CAMEROON
Presenter's biography
PhD in Agricultural Engineering University of Ibadan [1995], Diploma in Advanced Agro Technologie Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel 1998, Diploma in Energy management in SMI Maastricht School of Management 2001, Diploma in Solar Energy Applications from UNIDO Int. Centre for Solar res. China
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
J.M Bongmo, University of Dschang, CAMEROON
A E. Etengeneng, University of Dschang, CAMEROON
F.E Azemo, University of Dschang, CAMEROON
Session reference: 1CV.2.21