Room: Poster Area
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024
Time: 13:45 - 14:45 CEST
Session code 4DV.6
Biomass pre-treatment, combustion and production of intermediates
Valorization of Spent Coffee Grounds for Energy Applications
Short Introductive summary
The paper presents a proposed technological line that includes a proprietary solar drying method, pelletizing, and torrefaction, which allows to prepare of spent coffee grounds for application in energy processes. The first stage of the pretreatment of spent coffee grounds involved the use of solar drying. Tests were conducted in a solar greenhouse dryer equipped with a specially designed mixing system to determine the drying time and thickness of the layer of dried spent coffee grounds in weather conditions in the southwestern part of Poland. The dried spent coffee grounds with a moisture content of about 10% were then subjected to the pelletization process. Additionally, a portion of the produced pellets underwent torrefaction to compare their energetic and mechanical properties. The torrefaction of samples was done in the laboratory scale rotary reactor. Testes was done in the range of temperature 240-300oC and time 30-40 min in N2 atmosphere. Additionally, thermogravimetry (TG-DTA) coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to investigate the differences in combustion process for raw pellets and pellets after torrefaction. The reaction regions, initia

Malgorzata WZOREK
Opole University of Technology, Process and Environmental Engineering Dpt., POLAND
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
R. Junga, Opole University of Technology, POLAND
E. Yilmaz, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, TURKEY
H. Unyay, Lodz University of Technology, POLAND
S. Szufa, Lodz University of Technology, POLAND
Session reference: 4DV.6.17