Room: Poster Area
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Time: 11:45 - 12:45 CEST
Session code 4CV.3
New approaches in biomass combustion
A Circular Economy Approach for Valorization Products of Carob (Ceratonia Siliqua L.) Supply Chain for Food, Feed and Energy Use
Short Introductive summary
The Cheratitis Siliqua tree has benefits that are interesting both ecologically (drought tolerance, contentment with poor and rocky soils, tolerance of temperatures from -6 to 50°C), biologically (nitrogen fixation, resistance to fire, mutilation and disease), agronomically (high yield in arid zones in comparison to olive trees, almond trees, soft wheat and barley) as well as socio-economically (source of stable income for the local population, contributes to the development of national and regional economy). The carob tree fruit passes to the kibblers (the firms that crush the fruit to extract the seeds), whom will then largely sell the seeds to the locust bean gum producer. The seed is composed of the husk (30–33%), the endosperm (42–46%) and the germ (23–25%). Current annual production in the world is estimated to be 15,000 tons and current prices are 12 to 22 euros/kg or more depending on grade and supplier. Food, medicines, paper, textile, oil drilling, and cosmetic sectors all use it as an ingredient. In addition, its dietary fibre activity helps regulate numerous health issues, including diabetes, bowel motions, heart disease and colon cancer.

CREA - Research Center for Engineering & Agro-Food Processing, ITALY
Presenter's biography
Dr. Alberto Assirelli has a PhD in Agricultural Engineering in 1997 and start working in the Department of Economics and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Bologna, continuing his works in other public and private research centers. Researcher in the Agricultural Engineering Unit (CREA-ING) of the Agricultural Research and Experimental Council (CREA), in Monterotondo (Roma). Author of more than 400 publications in the fields of agricultural mechanization with particular reference to the development and testing of new machinery for food, feed and energy crops.
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
N. Palmieri, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
M. Salerno, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
A. Palma, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
B. Vincenti, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
E. Paris, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
M. Carnevale, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
F. Gallucci, CREA-IT, Monterotondo, ITALY
Session reference: 4CV.3.17