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EUBCE 2024 - Helena VILAÇA - Exploitation of Different Sustainable Treatment Strategies for Olive Pomace Valorisation

Exploitation of Different Sustainable Treatment Strategies for Olive Pomace Valorisation


Processes for bio-based chemicals and materials 2

Exploitation of Different Sustainable Treatment Strategies for Olive Pomace Valorisation

Short Introductive summary

Olive oil, extracted from the fruit of the olive plant, is a vital ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and a significant economic sector in southern European regions, including Spain, Italy, and Greece. These countries account for nearly 98% of the world’s olive oil production, with Portugal producing about 7%. However, the olive oil production industry is facing a growing challenge of managing the vast amounts of waste generated in a short period. This waste, which includes solid residue (pomace), an olive cake and effluent, is contributing to the environmental pollution. In Portugal, the disposal and treatment of pomace was the greatest challenge in 2021/2022, responsible for several problems. As national production capacity is expected to grow, this issue must be addressed. This study investigates the combination of different waste treatment strategies, including sequential physical, chemical, and biochemical processing of olive pomace waste, to maximize its potential for valorisation. All the treatments resulted in recovered processed material that can be utilized for value-added products, namely for the textile industry.


Moderator portrait



Presenter's biography

PhD in Sciences- Chemistry (2015, UM). Laboratory and R&D Project Manager at the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology in CITEVE. Work has focused on textile functionalization using bio-additives, sustainability, circular economy, healthcare textiles, legislation on chemicals.

Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited


C. Costa, CENTI, V.N. Famalicão, PORTUGAL
J. Oliveira, CENTI, V.N. Famalicão, PORTUGAL
F. Costa, CITEVE, V.N. Famalicão, PORTUGAL
M. Fernandes, CITEVE, V.N. Famalicão, PORTUGAL
H. Vilaça, CITEVE, V.N. Famalicão, PORTUGAL

Session reference: 6BV.10.23