Room: Sormiou
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Time: 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
Session code ICO.1
Progress in innovative biomethane deployment
HYFUELUP - Hybrid Biomethane Production from Integrated Biomass Conversion
Short Introductive summary
HYFUELUP (Hybrid Biomethane Production from Integrated Biomass Conversion) is a new project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research an Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement nº 101084148), launched in November 2022, which aims to develop an advanced technology for biomethane production using gasification and methanation. The biomethane produced will then be liquified and used for the decarbonization of long-distance road freight transport and maritime transportation. This abstract introduces the project and highlights the main innovation and outcomes expected from its implementation.

Associação BIOREF - Laboratório Colaborativo para a Biorrefinarias, PORTUGAL
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited
O. Alves, Associação BIOREF - Laboratório Colaborativo para a Biorrefinarias, São Mamede de Infesta, PORTUGAL
B. Garcia, ssociação BIOREF - Laboratório Colaborativo para a Biorrefinarias, São Mamede de Infesta, PORTUGAL
J. Bernardo, ssociação BIOREF - Laboratório Colaborativo para a Biorrefinarias, São Mamede de Infesta, PORTUGAL
Session reference: ICO.1.4