Room: Callelongue Parterre
Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Time: 16:15 - 17:15 CEST
Session code 6BO.11
Biomass valorisation for polymers and liquids
Chair & Moderator
![Moderator portrait](/photos/f_5090.jpg)
Isabella DE BARI
ENEA, Energy Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources, ITALY
Head of the ENEA Laboratory dedicated to the development of processes and technologies for biorefineries and green chemistry. Since graduating in chemistry Isabella has been managing ENEA’s projects on advanced biofuels and green chemicals in cooperation with leading research Institutes and industrial stakeholders at national and European level. In addition, for more than 10 years she has acted as the Italian delegate in the IEA bioenergy Task 42 on biorefineries in the circular bioeconomy and as ENEA's representative in the European BIC consortium (BIO-BASED-INDUSTRY CONSORTIUM). Furthermore, Isabella is part of several expert groups including; the Scientific Technical Committee of the Basilicata Bioeconomy Regional Cluster, Re Soil Foundation, European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy (ETIP Bioenergy), the National Technological Cluster of the Green Chemistry, SRING, and the advisory board for bioeconomy European and national projects.
Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited